Studi kasus : Kabupaten Kampar, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur,
Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Kabupaten Klaten, Kabupaten Pacitan dan
Kabupaten Biak Numfor
Agus Hendratno
Jurusan Teknik Geologi – Fakultas Teknik UGM
Jl. Grafika No. 2 Yogyakarta 55281 Telp/fax . 0274-513668 ; 901380
Email : gushendratno@yahoo.com
Indonesia archipelago have the very complex geodiversity. The complexity of
geodiversity have a lot of giving opportunity for exploiting of earth resources for
society prosperity. In other side, the complexity of geology have also a lot of giving
resistance and various limitation at one particular region to expand by normatif.
Hence, various data of geology as well as data of result of mapping of mineral
resources (mapping at macro scale and also have detail scale) require to be
managed and exploited maximally. Effort the exploiting also require various
infrastructure which is concerning regulatory, technological, human resources being,
market-drive of an economic geomaterial, social environment and culture which
grow around geology data, and also availability and readiness of geology and
mineral resources data.
This study is expected can give a few description of how the geology and mineral
resources data can be as reference in regional development planning.
This paper writed by assessment of description qualitative and comparative inter-
region case study in various regency area, where writer have been involved to
conduct the activity of mapping of geology and mineral resources data and also
involved by a discussion with a few officers of local government in so many
opportunity. Some of the case study region for example : in Kampar Regency
(Riau), Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency (Jambi), Biak Numfor Regency (Papua),
Gunungkidul Regency (Yogyakarta), Pacitan Regency (East Java), and also Klaten
Regency (Central Java).
Keyword : geology and mineral resources data, regional development, regency goverment